Saturday, January 7, 2023

Happy New Year!!!


Happy New Year from the broke and unemployed!

    I hope whoever is reading this has had a happy and blessed New Year so far.  

    Yes, I am starting 2023 with no job, no car, probably no house...that is still a pending situation.  Right now, as we speak; I am looking into realtors and will most likely be selling the house my parents entrusted to me.  I am sad about this decision, but I am relieved too.  I have been carrying so much responsibility that I am not happy.  Yet, I feel like the last two years have been a growing period.

    So, lets go back a to my last post and work from there.  After Christmas, things were okay.  I was diagnosed with Endometriosis.  I had been having some strange things that were happening to my body, but I thought it was either a cancer issue or long-term COVID issues. Thank God it was not cancer. I was having bad PMS, hair loss, lack in energy, stressed, and feeling like crap.  Cramps have been terrible for months and even weeks after my PMS.  Doctor stated that it was Endometriosis, but I needed to get into a 'ladies' doctor" ASAP.  No problem.  I started going to work looking for one.  I also started B/C to help with everything else.  Let's say my hair is now growing back and feels like my hair has thicken up quite a bit.  I still have cramps, but they are now manageable.  I started that search for a Gyno; I kept asking my job to please let me know if there will be a lay off. 

     Keep in mind; I asked the second week of December.  No response.  Come two days after Christmas; I asked again....and again no response. There was no transparency, no emails, no communication through my old employer's message system we use for work at home people.  Nothing.  Come Friday, right before New Year's.  I get a notification for a schedule that was just published.  I go and look and see that I am not on the upcoming schedule.  I am pissed at this point.  I am beyond pissed and I even remember back in March of 2022; I asked the HR lady (we will call her A) if there are chances that I would be laid off.  She stated, "Lisa since you work in the Call Center; you will not".  If I knew then I would never have left my old employer.  So here I am writing you from my desktop and no longer have a job. Also, keep in mind that it was not just me; it was a whole lot of people who were shocked to be laid off.  I am so sour towards this company know and having sour feelings towards the person whose name is on the building (you can guess the country singer, and no I am not saying who it is.  You can guess for yourself). 

    So, after that shock, I started to ask what will happen to my insurance. The insurance is the reason why I left my old employer.  Since I kept relapsing COVID at the time; I wanted insurance because the trips to the hospital were putting me in debt.   This company that I use to work states that if I am laid off two pay cycles after my last check; I will have to pay them (my old job) to keep my insurance up and going.  First off, WTH, this company has laid me off.....without any meetings, emails, etc., and you want me to pay you (the company) money.... that I do not keep my insurance going?  Really!  I have never really heard of this.  Get this.... if you are off only two pay cycles you will be able to do this.  If you are laid off longer than this; you will get the COBRA program. Most of you know that no one can afford the COBRA medical program; especially if you are laid off and getting only $200 a week from unemployment (at least here in TN).  Crazy thing is that I asked my manager (we will call her S) how long or if she needed me to let me know.  S states it would be based on call value on during the first week of layoffs that they will decide if and when they will start bringing people back. Again, you do not know if you will be off longer than two pay cycles.  S proceeded to delete people out of the systems/programs that are used for daily tasks putting an end to everyone's time at the company.  Shutting down all of the programs and deleting the laid off people, in my opinion, puts a seal on that the old company does not want us to return.  But that is my opinion.  

    I am now looking for a new job/career.  I am going to focus on that and continue to write my book as well.  Unfortunately, I did not make the 30-day challenge but that is life.  I tried. I had other obstacles come my way as well.  Such as that my car blew a turbo.  I have a warranty for it but I still have to pay some funds to the repair shop. Scott got a vehicle and no surprise to our luck; it is broken down and after only three days of driving it.  So, our luck sucks right now but I am still trying to stay positive that 2023 will be a better year for us.  Hopefully!!!

    Will write more in the coming days.  Take care.

Happy Birthday Pedro Pascal....

  Happy Birthday to the One....the Only Pedro Pascal.... I do not know you but you, sir, are adorbs.....