Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone....

Figured I would write a short post before heading to bed.  I began this post with a am trying to get myself to laugh more. 

I do hope your evening is amazing and that whomever is reading this is staying safe.  Please do not drink and drive....nor drink, drive, and text.  If you had too much either stay where you are or call an Uber or ask a friend to take you home.

Well....enough with my PSA.....Scott, Princess Leia and I stayed home and watched a few movies.  I did my nails and did a facial.  I will write about the product that was gifted to me by Scott's mom.  It is really an amazing product that is making my face smooth and soft.

But other then that....pretty much a dull evening......I hope everyone has amazing night....see you later.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

So It Begins......

Hello World....It is me.......Lisa.  I figured I would start this blog (and I have been meaning to do so for sometime now).  Not sure what to put but I am looking into doing a few things in the new year and beyond.  This like working on my mind, body, spiritual relationship with God, and work on my relationship with others.  By no means am I saying I am a rotten person but I am looking to be a better person all around.

As for an introduction.....well....I am from New Jersey....lived there for about 28.5 some years. I lived with my loving parents, my brother, and my grandmother who passed on when I was 15.

 Life in New Jersey  was surround by a few friends, beaches, and my love of going to Dave Matthews Band concerts and constant playing DMB over and over again.  I enjoyed my time with going to college and work while living in NJ.  My weekends consisted of  hanging out at Starbucks, the mall, or the movies.  I loved the times in NJ where I would go to Starbucks and meet up with some friends to  play Uno or venture into the mall. Usually, we would go to the music store or  and head straight for the bookstore (that was a size of a dining room).  I would sit on the floor with my mocha whatever...and smell the freshness of a good book.  I would either purchase or just browse the rows.  Once the mall closed it was usually time to go home or to a friends house.....Yes,  I know....such a boring beginning to this blog, yet if you bear with me...I will write about having gastric sleeve surgery,  my humble existence in NC,  and a trip of a life time to New York where I got to stay with my cousin (De) and her family.  I will also talk about my love of all things get the picture.  LOL

 I will write about my unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars, Marvel and of course playing Assassin's Creed games. Of course....I will write about my trips to Gatlinburg, TN and to where ever God may take me.

Happy Birthday Pedro Pascal....

  Happy Birthday to the One....the Only Pedro Pascal.... I do not know you but you, sir, are adorbs.....